Tuesday, October 25, 2011

No more diapers for me–3rd Edition

**The below post is a play by play of Potty Training my 3rd Child.   I am not sure why the pictures from 2011 are no longer showing.  This is one of the only posts that has happened to on my mainly archived blog.  Sorry about that!  I actually can't find the pictures anywhere in my files.  Hope you can still follow along!
Guess who is learning to use the Potty today? 
Image created by Sarah Danaher with a Canon EOS 5D MkII

I can’t believe for the first time in 6 years I will have NO child in Diapers.  (well at least for another 6 months!)  I caught up on reading through the plan for our Potty Training Bootcamp.  (yes we do an intense 3 day method, which while hard—has proved successful the past 2 times)

I need to get my kiddos off to school and then we begin.  I will keep you updated on this post.

10:02  Snacks are ready, and Helen is finishing up Elmo Potty!

Here We go!
Been in undies since 10:05.  No accidents.  No peeing either.  she’s gotta go sometime.  We’ve eaten lots of snacks, and she working on that chocolate milk.
We put on undies, wrote a list of all our friends who wore undies, and even called some of them for moral support!

Then we packed up our diapers to send to a baby.

Mommy is fully prepared for accidents… but not for long.  Hopefully, we will only have 1-2 days of accidents!
Sally the Baby is learning too..

Mommy says I will learn better by teaching others. 
Sally doesn’t eat her treats, so I eat them for her.   (we get treats for dry panties)

2 hours in.  No accidents.  dry panties all around. But no pottying either.   About to have a long sit on the potty while I make lunch.   I am hoping she goes before it is time for nap.  this girl can really hold it.  I think Charlotte did this too…  

note to others-- (or maybe a pep talk to me, who thinks my child might hold it forever)--- you will most likely get an accident before a success.  That is ok.  They have to feel the sensation of pee coming out to realize they should hold it in.   Go with it, and then PRACTICE 10x running to the potty and model with the doll, a success.  They WILL get this. 
okay—I am odd to make lunch now.  pray we get a potty success or SOMETHING soon!  The child has had a whole sippy of chocolate milk and is working on juice now.   At least I know she can make it on a 2 hour road trip!  HA!

First Potty Success!   No Accidents yet!  We are off to paint nails and head down for a nap!  I call this morning a success.  We’ll see how the afternoon goes.  I fully expect a few accidents.  But am SO proud of Helen!  (I was expecting an accident before a success) So this is great!  But I take it with a grain of salt…. I mean she only potty-ed 1 time in 2 1/2 hours.  We’ll see if she can go again before nap, or if like many kids she will hold it all for naptime. (I put kids in pull ups for nap and bed the first few weeks—or longer if needed)

Here is the Little Lady with her Prize for her first potty success—Lipstick.  We give prizes the first few times, but all other rewards are for dryness.

I caved at lunch and gave her diet coke!  ( don’t judge)  I think the bubble goodness helped her to “go”.  She went at 12:45, then again, after lunch.  The we painted nails, and sat down to watch a little Barney.  She screamed “my pee pee’s coming out”  BUT--- she stopped it, and we ran to the potty!  She finished on the potty, but we still had to change panties and pants due to the dribble.  But I am SO proud!  Waiting for big kids to come home to celebrate her success and then it’s nap time!
Whooo… potty training is hard work.  I am TIRED!

Helen woke up (with a slightly wet pull up)
We went immediately to the potty to “try” and she started talking about how she didn’t want to do #2 in her panties (probably a sign she needed to go)  She sat on the potty, and let a little pee out and then did her first #2 on the potty!  Yeah Helen!  (she has actually gone #2 on the potty a few times the past couple month but not because we were trying to potty train) 

She is currently chugging down juice—I keep them well “juiced up” to encourage full bladders and lots of potty opportunities.  She is playing with big brother and sister (who are SO into the process).  And we continue to reward her dry panties with smarties.  We’ll see how the rest of afternoon goes… I made dinner while she napped (just needs to be popped in the oven) so I could totally ready to help her. 
She’s doing great!