Monday, February 15, 2010

Post-It Note Promises

During these busy days as a mom of many Little Llamas, my Bible reading, studying, meditating moments are not what they used to be.

Sometimes I feel like all I can do is write a verse on a post-it note
and put it above my sink, or on my fridge, or write it on my white board in my kitchen…In hopes that God will honor my many glances at it
and impress it upon my heart.

Not that God’s Promises can be contained on a mere Post-it Note.
Far from it…

But sometimes we all need a little Post-It Note to remind us…
So today, here is mine: 

So, What Promise do you want to claim today?
Create your own Post-It Note Promise and Link up with Little Llamas
In light of Valentine’s Day…
Choose your favorite verse on Love. 

I can’t wait to see what promises you all choose!

Want to create your own Post It Note?

Then Come back and Link up!



  1. Do you do this every Monday? No time to play today but love the scripture.

    I'm thankful that his lovingkindess is better than life and that his mercies never fail but are new every morning! Great is his faithfulness!

  2. I love that verse, thanks for sharing! I got reminded.

    God bless you!

    New follower from MBC...



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