Friday, January 8, 2010

Trusting God

I am not really into resolutions… but I do like to make goals
(which I guess is a resolution)
However, I didn’t do too hot in the fall with my “heart’s desire” list.
So instead of embarrass myself with a list of goals only to fail miserably, I am deciding to post a Trusting God list. 

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
                                                   Matthew 19:26

There is much I cannot control in my life.  Other things I can only do the best I can, and pray I am being a good steward of my time, body, relationships, etc.   I can wake up and make good decisions that will honor God or I can do my own desires that may not bring Him the most Glory. 

So this list is to put out there the things I am Trusting God for---

-Trusting God to move us to a new City so that we can do His work

-Trusting God to provide a buyer for our home in the perfect time and to provide us housing in DC.

-Trusting God to continue to grow me in the Fruits of the Spirit, and to help me live them out 

-Trusting God to help my children to sleep later than 6:15 so I can actually spend time with Him (I am trying to wake at 6:00 each far we’ve had success only 1 out  of 5 morning this week… and not because I am sleeping in, but because someone is NOT sleeping)

-Trusting God to Provide in HUGE ways for our support raising as we venture out into this new unchartered territory!

-Trusting God for direction regarding the children's schooling.

-Trusting God to helping me to really enjoy my children and to give me wisdom how to parent and discipline them….we’ve had some pretty challenging days around here.

Trusting God to give me excitement and vision as I turn 30 in a few months!  (yes, I am really that young)

Trusting God for continued strength in our marriage especially as we embark on a big season of transition with a big move and launching a new ministry. 

Trusting God to show me more of Himself.  And to Daily capture my heart.

These are just a few…
I could probably go on forever listing things I am trusting God for.   But He is a faithful God and I am confident that He will show up and provide…though maybe not exactly how I would always like.  (ahem…like having my kids sleep later than 6:15, please)  

Thought I would wrap this up by printing the words from one of my favorite hymns Jesus, I am Resting, Resting

Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,
I behold Thee as Thou art,
And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,
Satisfies my heart;
Satisfies its deepest longings,
Meets supplies its every need,
Compasseth me round with blessings;
Thine is love indeed!

What are YOU trusting God For??



  1. Love this, Carrie! Just what I needed today. :)

    Rachel from TSP

  2. I have never really liked the word resolution, until I learned the true definition of it! Goal is a better word for believers! You are right, our daily goal should be to trust God in everything we do.


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