Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oh, how the times…they are a changin’

I am leaving my 2 oldest today with my in-laws while we head to our annual New Year’s Conference with Campus Outreach.  
Taking the little Hen with us.

For the past 4 years, David’s parents have graciously watched our children so we could attend “sans kids” and fully be involved in the conference.   It is a nice break from the normal “preschool musical” life. 

The first year I left Charlotte, she was 13 months old.
I remember in detail the 5 page typed out instructions I left. 
5 pages ??
I explained everything necessary that Charlotte might need…
her sleeping, eating, discipline issues, favorite toys, how to put her down to sleep, what not to give her to eat.

It was the first time we had left her for that long. 
And she wasn’t the easiest baby.  But…5 pages of instructions?

Now… I leave my kids with a kiss and a pat on the back.
Unless the are on prescription medications that have instructions, I don’t leave any instructions anymore…

I also give my 3rd baby french fries and enchiladas.
I guess I am not too concerned anymore with what she is and isn’t eating! 
Yes, the times they are a changin’!

Has your parenting gotten more laid back with more children?  Do share!


1 comment:

  1. I always swore that if I had a child I would treat it like it were my third! Obviously there are some "first" things I do by virtue of having never having had a baby, but i really TRY to be relaxed and treat Berkley like I'm an old pro. Ha!!!


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