That’s SO Kindergarten

It’s official. We have a Kindergartner.  And we have one day of Kindergarten under our belt. 


Off she went today to gather with her class… with a teacher/student ratio of 1:6 (LOVE it!).  She has a cubby, a notebook, a pencil case, a book bag, lots of homework (as she likes to tell me), a desk (well, really 2 school tables—3 children/table).  And a very structured day.  Kindergarten is hard you know. 


Tomorrow starts day 2…. but it’s the Kindergarten REMIX edition.  That’s right friends, we are doing an alternative Kindergarten Hybrid.  Charlotte will go to the traditional class 3 days a week from 9:00-12:45. Then on Monday and Wednesday, she we will be doing homeschool curriculum…with ME!  I am SO excited about this blend of classroom setting and homeschool experience.  I really feel like it is the best of both worlds!

Tomorrow the teacher student ratio is 1:1
          (well 1:3 some of the time) 
Dress code—come as you are!  PJ’s totally acceptable!
          (though I will probably make everyone get dressed)
Snack – Whenever we want!
Field trips— oh do we have field trips planned!
           (can you say Nation’s Capital!)



Mommy is slowly taking over has cleared space in the toy shelf for some homeschool curriculum, phonics readers, and learning books and games.



And we have a great school space ready (aka, the art table)


So, this little girl is growing up.  Kindergarten is her her great big sea, and she is off and swimming!  I am so proud of her and all she is going to learn this year.  I am so thankful for our school, the teacher, the other parents we get to partner with, and the great privilege it is to teach her myself.


Kindergarten is here girl….and you are going to soar!
