We went to our first Touch-A-Truck event recently. It was a little boy’s dream come true. And it is exactly how it sounds.
Fire trucks, dump trucks, trash trucks, rescue trucks, electric trucks, cement trucks…. trucks, trucks , trucks.
This little guy was in truck Heaven!
They were able to practice their fire fighting skills.
Climb in, on and all around.
Play with the gears, honk the horns…
Did I mention my Kids were in truck Heaven??
You know, al the years of saying “DON’T TOUCH THAT!”
Are flushed down then drain as you now encourage them to touch, climb on it… of course you can press that button.
Needless to say, we had a little talk the next day as we
walked by a parked “digger”….
That we ONLY EVER touch a truck at a “Touch-A-Truck” event.
From our little trucksters to yours---
We just wanted to say that when you’re feeling tired and discouraged this week…Remember…
Keep Truckin’ !!
May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. 2 Thessalonians 3:5