5 Minute Fridays -- Sanctification in Motherhood

I am participating with Gypsy Mama’s 5 Minute Friday where she encourages you to write freestyle on a subject for 5 minutes.

So here goes ……

5 Minutes on Sanctification in Motherhood.


I labor so intently on instructing my children in the way they should go. 

They are impatient,
            they argue,
                 get angry,
                          they grumble and complain, 
                                       they are not thankful.  

I worry, I obsess, I get annoyed, I get embarrassed, I compare. 

And then as I sit down to compile my list of verses that I am going to use to gently instruct their little wicked hearts….I am struck by the plank in my own eye… and all of a sudden the speck in theirs doesn’t seem so bad.  Or maybe not that it’s not as “bad”, but that I see as if in a mirror…where they might have picked up these horrible little qualities.

I am impatient
              I argue, 
                     get angry, 
                            I grumble and complain, 
                                       I am not thankful.

Thankful for the gift of children, that God saw fit to allow me to be their mother, and for the sanctifying work He is doing in me… 
   And of course, in them.   

And that’s a wrap… in 5 minutes. 
Join in to see what others have to say in 5 minutes!

PS—and I just realized I did the writing prompt wrong.  I didn’t realize that Lisa Jo gave an actual Prompt!  Oh well…  I made up my own prompt.   I still wrote for 5 minutes.   Oh My---
