Remember this…

Dear Children,
When you look back on years of holidays,
I pray you will remember the fun we all had as a family. 
I truly try to make these years full of sweet memories…


The Easter tomb set out, with Jesus tucked inside.


Putting rocks in our Basket and talking about Sin. 
The Weight of sin… how we no longer have to carry the weight because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross.


That you will remember the child like wonder you had
as you awoke to an empty tomb…


How we all declared with Joy…
“He is Risen”  “He’s Alive!”


How your baskets of rocks were replaced
with Baskets of Blessings


Though these goodies are yummy,
We pray you will remember why we do all that we do.

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Our stories we tell, and activities we do….
Mean nothing if you miss the reason why we Rejoice.
We share it all that you might see The Great One we celebrate.


That you too would one day put your trust in Jesus
The one who conquered death, and rose up from the Grave.
Whose death on the cross has paid the penalty for our sin…allowing us to have Eternal life in heaven, and Abundant life now.


Yes, dear children.  I pray in the midst of all my striving…
My yearning to help you get it… my traditions and stories, and snacks, and songs… I pray it will all piece together like a puzzle.  That right now your child like faith would lead you to one day totally embrace the Truths that we teach you. 

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Oh Dear Children….
                  Remember this.



***   And on a totally unrelated note….
   We had a last minute visit to the White House today to participate in the annual Easter Egg Roll.  A-MAZING.  Pictures and post to come, I promise… I just had to get this one off my heart first and it was next in the queue to post.  **     White House pics coming up soon!
