Friday, February 5, 2010

Maybe She’s Born With it…

Maybe it’s Maybelline.

I am linking up with Kelly’s Korner and Show us your Life—Beauty Tips!

I almost always wear makeup. 

I don’t think that is vain, I don’t think that makes me self absorbed. 
It has just become kind of habit for me… and my personal opinion on the matter is this :

If I look “good”, I will feel good. 
If I feel good, I will better Glorify God.

If I feel good, I usually enjoy my day more and am more productive.  
Like right now…It’s a snow day, still in our jammies, no makeup… and I  kinda feel blah!  If I get ready I will probably feel better, have a better attitude, and get more done.

If I don’t get ready...I will probably drink too much coffee, and complain all day about being stuck in this house on this snow day. 

So, even on a snow day… I like getting ready.

But what about what the Bible says about --
“Charm is Deceitful and Beauty is fleeting, but a woman that fears the Lord shall be praised”
                       (Proverbs 31:30)

It is totally true. 
It is far more important to Fear the Lord and honor Him than to worry about your appearance.  The minute your appearance, or your beauty, become a distraction or consume your thoughts or plague you with insecurities… you run the risk of your appearance being an idol. 

I do not think that my appearance makes me who I am. 

It is like the Bible says--
Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth to God”
(1 Peter 3:4)

My inner self is FAR more important than my outer self.

That said…
I think we bring great honor and glory to God by caring for the Temple in which He dwells (our bodies). 

I will end this little beauty tip post with one of my favorite excerpts…
Though not scriptural, nor Christian… the principles are certainly “proverb-like” 

Beauty Tips by Sam Levenson -- (an excerpt)
(this has often been attributed to Audrey Hepburn, but Sam Levenson is the actual author)

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.

For beautiful hair,
let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.

For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone.

There is a much to be said about our inner beauty shining so bright that it makes us beautiful on the outside….


But I am not throwing away my Maybelline quite yet. 
Because unlike some of you natural beauties… this Mama Llama wasn’t born with it! 

~Look Good ~ Feel Good ~ Glorify God ~

(stay tuned… winner for the Jesus Storybook Bible
will be picked later today)


1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way. I just feel better putting a little makeup on in the morning. (Now excuse me while I go put on some mascara!)

    ~ Jennifer


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