Saturday, January 2, 2010

Okra and Peaches...

I know, this really isn't the season for fresh okra and peaches...

But go back with me to August 1st... I had never made fresh okra before but was reading a blog and was inspired to go get some and try my hand at easy okra.   It was a beautiful summer morning... the first day of August. My husband was in the mountains enjoying a weekend reunion with college friends. I was determined not to stay cooped up in the house all day with 3 children so we packed up the van and headed to the farmer's market. We enjoyed a nice stroll, some fresh baked goods, and I picked up some beautiful fresh picked flowers, some okra and peaches and we headed home, for what was sure to be quite a yummy lunch! It was 10:30am... we were less than a mile from home. Not on the interstate, on a road we travel often, just minutes from our house.

Click here to read the rest of the story and visit the Kyle David Miller Foundation


  1. amen carrie! love this story but hate you had to go through this & so glad God protected all of you! karis is about to hit that 40 lb mark and we are about to shop for a new car seat and definitely not ready for a booster! thanks for this.

  2. Stacey- The Graco Nautilus is a great seat. We got our Apex 65 at Big Lots at a steal and it is a well rated seat. I would check to see if they still have them. Both those seats go to boosters after, but I have heard that the Apex is pretty wide to use as a booster.

  3. Very powerful thank you for sharing!

  4. Wow and I had just mentioned to my husband about when we should look at booster seats I think I'll keep little man in longer Btw following from MBC

  5. My fiance has a 3 and 5 year old in 5pt harnesses. After reading your story, I am so glad.
    What a blessing all the children were safe and snug. Now your testimony is saving lives. Awesome!
    Following from MBC group.

  6. Following from MBC (I would love it if you would follow me too!)
    I've really enjoyed reading your blog - so much so, that I've given your blog an award!

  7. Thanks Carrie for allowing us to share your story in such a powerful way.


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